我们试着用浪漫的手法来歌颂那些独自创作的天才们。然而,人类最伟大的创作都是由两个人或者两千个人一起完成的。在Mohawk Maker Quarterly 第12期里,我们赞扬那些至今都让人歌颂的项目的合作--这样的合作让过去那些有影响力的工作更具生机。
自2013年首发以来,Mohawk Maker Quarterly通过细心的策划,用单一的主题视角探索创意表达的领域。在第十二期里,Hybrid Design选用“合作关系”作为设计主题和内容。这期内容探索了自18世纪到今天21世纪的合作关系的起起落落。每一篇文章探讨了合作关系中不可避免的张力,可能是有意的或者无意的,竞争的或是合作的。
Hybrid Design的设计总监,Dora Drimalas说:“合作关系有很多种不同的呈现形式,但是当我们同那些挑战我们,支持我们,激励我们的人合作时,我们更能够创作出满意的作品。”“合作让我们能够创造出比所有部分加起来的总和更大的作品,它是一个更有趣的整体。”
这一期的Mohawk Maker Quarterly尺寸是9.75*13.25”, 胶装,封套做了镂空设计与封面的颜色形成反差对比,形成三种封面效果,顶角做了烫金工艺。每一页设计了短幅图片匹配相应的文章。
Patron Saint by Bryn Mooth
Established by patrons from San Francisco during WWII, Pond Farm was a creative sanctuary for artists.
Take it to on The Court by John Dugan
Basketball Courts become the ultimate canvas for international artists.
An interview with KAWS by Brian Flynn
A peek inside a career oscillating between street art, limited-run figurines and large scale sculptural work.
The New Commune by Emily Gosling
This modern take on communes is a tech-driven reaction to lonely metropolis living.
The Art of Rivalry by A.J. Baime
A celebrated rivalry between Ford and Ferrari proves to be a most fascinating manifestation of partnership.
The Artifacts of Connection by Alyson Kuhn
Written correspondence leaves a powerful and evocative trail of artifacts in our lives.
Speaking Places by Jessie Kuhn
UK artist Tim Etchells’ powerful installations combine typography and place.
The Movement: The Power of 2
Every issue we celebrate makers of all types, in this issue we have chosen creative teams of 2.
Mohawk Maker Quarterly issue twelve features the following makers:
Yonder Journal, Cultural Anthropologists, Portland, OR
Dion, Ceramics Studio, Oakland, CA
Sing Sing, Animation, Photography and Design Studio, Los Angeles, CA
Gutsy Girl, Book: Escapades for your Life of Epic Adventure, United States
Peter Zelewski, Photographer, London, UK
Wood. Concrete. Brick, Phaidon Press, London, UK
Nakashima Furniture, Woodworkers, New Hope, PA
Thomassons, Hyperart Series, Tokyo, Japan
Mohawk Maker Quarterly 第十二期由Sandy Alexander 印刷, 内夹卡片用Letterpress和烫金, 由纽约的 Aldine 制作的。